May Day

Posted April 15th, 2012

Date: May 1st. Meet at 5:30, March at 6:00pm

Title: May Day March

Location: Assemble at City Hall

FREE event, Host Organization: Winnipeg Labour Council (942-0522)

The annual May Day March is organized by the Winnipeg Labour Council in recognition of International Working Class Day. This year’s march comes as the drive for austerity takes its toll on social programs, workers livelihoods and pensions. Come and be part of May Day. Join together to say: “We Are Entitled to Prosperity Not Austerity”.


Date: May 1st, 2:00 pm

Title: An afternoon with Noam

Location: A-Zone Co-op, 91 Albert Street

Host Organizations: Mondragon Bookstore & Coffeehouse, Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre & CKUW 95.9 FM

Get your May Day started right, with Legendary activist, professor, writer & all round outstanding citizen or the world Noam Chomsky. Via the interweb & video Noam will inspire Winnipeg activists with this May Day lecture.