Come celebrate International Working Class Day. This year’s themes are “Organize the Unorganized” and “A Living Wage for All” both of which were raised by the Strike Committee in 1919 and remain pressing concerns for today’s activists.
Join the annual Winnipeg Labour Council march in celebration of May Day. This year will also mark the 90th Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike. In recognition of this the march will go past many of the sites that are part of that history.
The march will start in Point Douglas, one of Winnipeg’s oldest communities, opposite what was the Vulcan Iron Works in 1919. It will then go past Victoria Park; the site of the original Labour Temple; Hell’s Alley and the site were Mike Sokolowski was shot and killed in the charge of the NWMP.
With Ken Georgetti, President of the Canadian Labour Congress and others.
Assemble 6:00 p.m. Joe Zuken Memorial Park corner of Sutherland and Maple